Tuesday 26 July 2011

The potential of the whole

I experienced this lovely meditation while receiving absent healing from two friends.

It was very powerful and took me to a place of expansive understanding.

Quieten your mind and consciously release any tension that you feel throughout your body.

Visualise a golden ball of light within the earth and take a strand of that light up through the base of your spine and let it rest in your heart centre.  Next, visualise a white ball of light just above your head in your soul centre and allow a strand of that light energy to flow through the crown centre at the top of the head and down into your heart centre. Take a moment to adjust to being connected above and below.

Take yourself to the shore of a vast and isolated lake. Sit quietly and meditate as the waters stretch out before you. The sun is setting and  dusk is upon you creating a slight haze across the lake. 

As you meditate, you become aware of a light within you, a single flame gradually growing brighter. As your mind quietens, you become less aware of yourself and start to blend with the flame until you and the flame are as one, glowing brightly.

With the light that you are generating, you now become aware that there is something across the other side of the lake. As the image clears in your mind, you realise that what you are seeing is another light, another flame, on the opposite shore of the lake.

Soon, you notice another light glowing to the left and then another to the right. Gradually, more and more lights appear. When you first sat on the lake shore, you thought you were alone, now you realise there are many lights, many flames, dotted all around you.

You watch as all the individual flames flicker and dance, uniting together as one.   You are no longer a single flame, you are part of each and every light you see around you.

The flames reflect in the water of the lake, magnifying the potential of the light being generated. The surface of the lake becomes alive, a glowing glistening expanse of pure intent. A pool of light, a pool of love, a pool of potential which radiates out to the far corners of a space beyond the extent of your imagination. 

You realise the potential of the whole is far greater than the individual and, more importantly, that the individual is always part of the whole. Keep this thought in mind, while you sit for a few more moments or as long as you feel comfortable.

Slowly bring your senses and awareness back into the room, become aware of the feeling of the earth beneath your feet and open your eyes when you feel ready.

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